Sunday School programs begin at 9:30 a.m. Lesson materials are provided - bring your Bible, or borrow one of ours, as we study God's Word together.
Worship Service begins at 10:30 a.m., where we first lift praise to God in song. We observe the Lord's Supper each Sunday. All who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior are invited to partake with us in that remembrance of His sacrifice.
We do take up an offering; however, this is a time for our members to give in support of our congregation and its work for the Lord - guests and visitors are not expected to participate.
We then worship God and His Son by opening His Word together.
Nursery facilities For infants and toddlers, we have a nursery for you to use should your little ones have a fussy morning. There are speakers in the room so that you may hear all that happens in the sanctuary while you care for your child.