
We are an independent body of followers of Jesus Christ who meet together for worship and fellowship each Lord's Day in our historic building,
located between Swanton and Delta in NW Ohio (about 20 miles west of Toledo).
Our Sunday morning services are filled with prayer, singing, and Bible teaching. Our music is provided
by a piano. The songs we sing are a mixture of hymns and praise choruses. We have a Sunday School hour
beginning at 9:30 a.m. and a Worship Service that starts at 10:30a.m.
Our members are a mixture of those new to the community and those who can point to several generations who have worshipped here since the
building of the original sanctuary in 1871. Our ages range from a few months old to 90+.
If you are looking for answers we invite you to join us! Come and visit us at 5232 County Road HJ (north of Airport Highway
between county roads 5 and 5-2)
Please take some time to browse our website and learn more about our country church - we would love to have you join us!
Please Note! All information on this website should be measured against God's Holy Word. The ONLY way to make sure you're getting the
whole Truth is to be like the Bereans of old, who searched the Scriptures daily to see if it was so.